Promociones para juegos digitales y títulos de LEGO además de Dragonball Xenoverse 2 que es la Oferta de la Semana.
Hola. Hoy estoy aquí para comentaros un montón de ofertas que tenemos en PlayStation Store: vuelven los juegos por menos de 20 euros, vuelve nuestra Oferta de la Semana y mucho más. Seguid leyendo y deleitaros con todas las rebajas que os están esperando para terminar vuestro verano por todo lo alto.
Oferta de la Semana (Hasta el 23 de agosto de 2017)
La Oferta de la Semana ha vuelto y durante los próximos siete días podrás hacerte con DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 por un precio irrepetible.
Consigue tanto la edición estándar como la edición Deluxe del juego para PS4 a un precio irresistible: visita ahora PlayStation Store y consigue este juego por menos.
Juegos por menos de 20 € (Hasta el 6 de septiembre de 2017)
Nuestra oferta de Juegos por menos de 20 € está de vuelta en PlayStation Store, y tenemos un montón de buenos e interesantes títulos de PS4 por debajo de 20 euros.
Ahorra ahora al hacerte con juegos como The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yooka-Laylee, La Tierra Media: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy, Elite Dangerous y muchos más.
Echa un vistazo a la lista completa de juegos rebajados en PlayStation Store.
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Yooka-Laylee
- Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™-Game of the Year Edition
- Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
- BioShock: The Collection
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition
- Call of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition
- Elite Dangerous
- Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Digital Deluxe Edition
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Season Pass
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – System Rift
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – A Criminal Past
- DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin
- Sleeping Dogs™ Definitive Edition
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- Little Nightmares – Digital Edition
- Little Nightmares Complete Edition
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone
- Street Fighter V
- Get Even
- AereA
- Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Legion Edition
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
- Grand Theft Auto III
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- DiRT Rally
- Sniper Elite 3
- Farming Simulator 15
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil 0
- resident evil 4
- Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
- Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle
- Thief
- Canis Canem Edit
- Tropico 5
- Tropico 5 – Complete Collection
- Alien: Isolation
- Alien: Isolation – The Collection
- Ultra Street Fighter™ IV
- Assetto Corsa
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Time Travel Edition
- Dishonored® Definitive Edition
- Batman: Return to Arkham
- J-Stars Victory VS+ Digital Edition
- Zombie Army Trilogy
- Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song
- Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
- DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
- DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle
- Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
- Sherlock Holmes : The Devil’s Daughter
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
- The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Season Pass
- The Walking Dead: Michonne – A Telltale Miniseries
- The Walking Dead: Season Two
- The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
- Batman – The Telltale Series – Season Pass
- Evolve
- Evolve Digital Deluxe
- Evolve Ultimate Edition
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat out of Hell
- Saints Row Metro Double Pack
- Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
- Deadpool
- Lords of the Fallen
- Lords of the Fallen Complete Edition
- XCOM 2
- XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
- XCOM 2 Reinforcement Pack
- XCOM 2: Alien Hunters
- XCOM 2: Anarchy’s Children
- XCOM 2: Shen’s Last Gift
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Season Pass
- The Wolf Among Us
- Tales from the Borderlands – Season Pass
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle
- Prototype Biohazard Bundle
- Prototype 2
- Prototype
- The Warriors
- MotoGP™15
- MotoGP™15 Compact
- Worms Anniversary Edition
- Worms W.M.D
- Worms™ Battlegrounds
- Life is Strange Season Pass
- Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition
- Air Conflicts: Double Pack (Vietnam and PC)
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers – PlayStation®4 Edition
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars Ultimate Edition
- Homefront®: The Revolution
- Homefront®: The Revolution ‘Freedom Fighter’ Bundle
- DEAD RISING 2 Off The Record
- DEAD RISING Triple Bundle Pack
- Metro 2033 Redux
- Metro Redux
- Metro: Last Light Redux
- WRC 5 eSports Edition
- Tour de France 2016
- Broken Sword 5 – the Serpent’s Curse
- This War of Mine: The Little Ones
- MXGP2 – Special Edition
- MXGP2 – The Official Motocross Videogame
- MXGP2 – The Official Motocross Videogame Compact
- Minecraft: Story Mode – Adventure Pass
- Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass
- Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass Deluxe
- Destroy All Humans!
- Destroy All Humans! 2
- Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul
- Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
- Back to the Future: The Game – 30th Anniversary Edition
- Valentino Rossi The Game
- Valentino Rossi The Game – Digital Deluxe
- Valentino Rossi The Game – Special Edition
- The Technomancer
- MXGP – The Official Motocross Videogame
- MXGP – The Official Motocross Videogame COMPACT
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition
- Darksiders: Fury’s Collection – War and Death
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch
- Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide
- Manhunt
- Transformers: Devastation
- TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron
- Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Gold Edition
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Telltale – Season Pass
- Umbrella Corps
- Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition
- Dungeons 2
- Max Payne
- Godzilla: Digital Edition
- Agatha Christie – The ABC Murders
- Professional Farmer 2017
- Professional Farmer 2017 – Gold Edition
- Micro Machines World Series
- Red Dead Revolver
- Infinite Air with Mark McMorris
- Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- The Assembly
- Firefighters the Simulation
- Forestry 2017
- Legend of Kay Anniversary
- The Dwarves
- Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
- Motorcycle Club
- The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
- Ghostbusters™
- Monster Jam: Crush It!
- Mighty No. 9
- Industry Giant 2
- Silence
- Alekhine’s Gun
- Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
- Deponia
- DUCATI – 90th Anniversary
- N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure
- Flockers
- Yesterday Origins
- Lichdom: Battlemage
- Moto Racer 4
- Moto Racer 4 – Deluxe Edition
- Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
- MX vs. ATV 2017 Official Track Edition
- EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic
- Super Dungeon Bros
- Assault Suit Leynos
- Transport Giant
- Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
- Worlds of Magic: Planar Conquest
- The Town of Light
- Reus – Deluxe Edition
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 1
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 2
- Harvest Moon®: Save the Homeland
- Ancient Amuletor VR
- 2Dark
- Adam’s Venture: Origins Deluxe Edition
- Kromaia Ω
- Lock’s Quest
- Pineview Drive – Joe’s Diner Horror Bundle
- World to the West
- Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo HD Edtion
- Tiny Troopers Joint Ops Complete Bundle
Digital Zone (Hasta el 6 de septiembre de 2017)
Nuestra promoción Digital Zone comienza esta semana con una selección de juegos digitales para PS4 en oferta.
Si te gustan títulos como Nex Machina, Firewatch, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour, Furi – Definitive Edition o Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition, seguro que aprovechas esta interesante promoción.
Como siempre te recordamos, no olvides visitar PlayStation Store y echa un vistazo a la lista complete de ofertas dentro de esta promoción.
- Nex Machina
- Firewatch
- Firewatch Dynamic Theme Bundle
- Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
- Furi – Definitive Edition
- Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
- Wasteland™ 2: Director’s Cut
- Mortal Blitz
- Broforce
- The Golf Club™
- Plague Inc: Evolved
- Primal Carnage: Extinction
- Dead Effect 2
- Thea: The Awakening
- Gauntlet: Slayer Edition
- Sword Coast Legends™
- RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
- RWBY: Grimm Eclipse – Team JNPR Bundle
- Rain World
- Troll and I™
- Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood
- Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
- The Bunker
- Hand of Fate
- Hand of Fate Deluxe
- Hard Reset Redux
- Layers of Fear
- Lethal League
- Rise & Shine
- Invisible, Inc. Console Edition
- The Turing Test
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition
- Furi
- Seasons after Fall
- Headlander
- Old Time Hockey
- Teslagrad
- Space Hulk
- Shift Happens
- Black & White Bushido
- Chroma Squad
- ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny
- Lili: Child of Geos
- Lithium: Inmate 39
- Perception
- Subterrain
- Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
- Tumblestone
- Wheels of Aurelia
- Cannon Brawl
- Knee Deep
- forma.8
- Castle Invasion: Throne Out
*Algunos títulos de esta lista puede que no estén disponible en tu región.
Promoción LEGO (Hasta el 30 de agosto de 2017)
Tenemos una promoción muy especial para las próximas dos semanas a partir de hoy por la que podrás encontrar contenido seleccionado de la franquicia LEGO para PS4, PS3 y PS Vita, a precios especiales en PlayStation Store.
Consigue juegos como LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, LEGO Jurassice World, LEGO Harry Potter: Años 5-7, LEGO El Señor de los Anillos y muchos más por menos de lo que imaginas. Simplemente ve a PlayStation Store ahora y mira la lista completa de ofertas de esta promoción.
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Season Pass
- LEGO CITY Undercover
- LEGO Harry Potter Collection
- LEGO Jurassic World
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- LEGO Marvel(TM) Super Heroes DLC: Super Pack
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe Edition
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Season Pass
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass
- LEGO The Hobbit
- LEGO Worlds
- The LEGO Movie Videogame
PS Vita
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
- LEGO Jurassic World
- LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
- LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
- LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- LEGO The Hobbit
- LEGO The Lord of the Rings
- The LEGO Movie Videogame
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe Edition
- LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition
- LEGO The Hobbit
- LEGO The Lord of the Rings
- LEGO© Jurassic World
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
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